Glacial Inheritance – Defeating enemies with your Stasis super recharges your super energy.Passive Guard – Receive less damage from enemies that are close to you while you’re wielding a sword.Focusing Lens – Light abilities do more damage against Stasis-affected enemies.If last season gave us a mod that allowed shotguns to stun Unstopppable champs, then Destiny 2: Season of the Chosen has snipers becoming effective versus Barrier champs with this mod. Obviously, “Anti-Barrier Sniper” is quite a surprise. Inferno Whip – Solar melee abilities stun unshielded combatants anti-Unstoppable.Surge Detonators – Arc grenades disrupt combatants anti-Overload.Resonance Siphon – Gain Stasis ability energy when you or a fireteam member stuns a champion.Disrupting Blade – Landing consecutive sword hits disrupts combatants anti-Overload.Anti-Barrier Sniper – Sniper rifles fire shield-piercing rounds anti-Barrier.This is one of those rare occasions where a mod buffs two weapon types in the game.

Without a doubt, “Scout and Sniper Rifle Targeting” is a mod you’ll want to get. Likewise, you’ll be able to unlock additional mods. As usual, you’ll gain an increase to your character’s power level as you earn more XP. Oh, and do watch out for falling drop pods.Īfter killing the boss, you’ll get the Bell of Conquest seasonal artifact. Just follow the objectives such as defeating more Cabal, taking out majors, and throwing bomb orbs at generators. After watching the opening cinematic, you’ll find yourself in Battleground: Behemoth (an activity on Nessus). Getting the Bell of Conquest seasonal artifact is actually quite easy that it’s almost like Bungie’s practically throwing it your way. Note: For more information, check out our Destiny 2: Season of the Chosen guides and features hub.ĭestiny 2: Season of the Chosen – Bell of Conquest artifact guide Here’s our guide that discusses how you can get it, and what its perks and mods entail. The Bell of Conquest is your seasonal artifact for Destiny 2: Season of the Chosen.